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Digital Design

Department of Communication

Richard L. Krause, M.A., M.S.J., Chair




The digital design field focuses on the study of the use of visual arts to communicate effectively a key message to a specifically targeted audience. The study of digital design includes an examination of the integration of visual and text; the use of emerging technologies, such as web-based technologies and social media platforms; and the use of the basic principles of design for effective presentation.

The objectives of the Digital Design major are to advance student skills in the areas of visual communication, which include photography and design; to provide students with technical knowledge and experience in the digital design field and related fields of communication, such as broadcast journalism and the print media; to develop students’ critical thinking skills so that they become thoughtful producers and consumers of mediated messages; and, to prepare students for graduate study in the fields of graphic design, visual communication, or a related communication field.

It is expected that a student in the Digital Design major program will join the Waynesburg University Design Group as well as complete additional field-related experience that may come from areas that include: the Yellow Jacket (newspaper), the Mad Anthony (yearbook), the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), WCYJ-FM, WCTV, the Sports Information Office, or any other field-related activity approved by the Department of Communication.