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Department of Humanities

Karen Fisher Younger, Ph.D., Chair



The purpose of study in Philosophy at Waynesburg University is to introduce students to the central topics and thinkers of both Western and Eastern traditions. Philosophy proceeds by reflecting on vital questions. Course content reflects on these questions: “Is there some ultimate meaning or purpose to human life? What is the best way to live one’s life? What kind of person should I become? What is a just society? Is there a God? What is God’s nature? Can we know that God exists? If God is all-good and all-powerful, why is there so much suffering? What is the relation between science and religion?” By grappling with questions like these, we invite students to come to terms with what they think and believe about fundamental questions in their lives. In this way, Philosophy advances the mission of the University as committed to the liberal arts in the Christian tradition.

Study in Philosophy serves as an excellent preparation for theological seminary, law school, academia, the upper levels of business management, and any job that requires the critical thinking, reading and writing skills that the discipline of Philosophy demands. Study in this area also serves the Biblical and Ministry Studies major program, specifically in the Philosophy and Religion Option.

As a result of study in Philosophy, our students will be able to:

  • think and write philosophically about their world and themselves in relation to God;
  • develop habits of critical thinking and argumentation in the discipline of philosophy and in whatever discipline they pursue;
  • formulate a philosophy of life within the objectives of a liberal education at a Christian college;
  • identify the contribution of philosophy to Christian thought and worldviews; and
  • understand and appreciate rival worldviews to various Christian worldviews.