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Fine Arts

Greensboro Pottery Show

from the Paul R. Stewart Museum Collection

The Opening Reception is March 14, from 6 - 8 p.m.

Exhibit runs through September 2, 2022, daily 8:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. M-F

(by appointment only May-August)

The Waynesburg University Greensboro Pottery exhibition will showcase historical examples of Greensboro Pottery from our vast collection. The NCECA, or the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts conference held in Pittsburgh 2008, was the last time Waynesburg University's Paul R. Stewart Museum Collection was shown to the public. 

The Benedum Fine Arts Gallery is organizing a new presentation of the Greensboro pottery to show a new audience the great history of ceramics from this region. The exhibition was curated by Andrew Heisey, chairman of the Fine Arts Department, and Emily Wiedner, Benedum Gallery Director, collaborating with Rea Redd, director of Eberly Library. The show will also feature Saving Greensboro, a documentary about Greensboro Pottery, created by Waynesburg graduates Harry Oakes and Paul Hicks.