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Kairos Retreat

Thank you for your interest in the WU Kairos Retreat! Kairos is a peer-led weekend retreat for sophomores, juniors, and seniors, to help you understand better and develop your relationship with family, friends and God. In order to participate in the WU Kairos at Cornerstone Ministry Center from October 26-28 (Friday – Sunday) it is important that you attend to the following by the provided deadlines:

            1. Complete the Registration Form. (Contact Adrienne or Josh for the registration form)

            2. Submit the registration form with the $30 retreat fee, to Campus Ministry no later than Friday, September 15th at 12 p.m. This fee is not refundable. Checks should be made payable to Waynesburg University. Please make sure the check clearly indicates whose payment it is; if you pay in cash, please enclose the sum in an envelope with your name clearly written on it.  If this fee is difficult for you, please talk with Adrienne Tharp or Josh Sumpter.    

Set aside the weekend and keep it clear of all other obligations. The vans will leave from Stover promptly at 4:15 pm on Friday, October 26th and return to campus on Sunday, October 28th in the early afternoon.

We will send you an e-mail with a packing list and details prior to the retreat.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the leadership team, Adrienne Tharp in the Center for Service Learning or Josh Sumpter in the Campus Ministry office by e-mail or telephone.

Leadership Team: Kortney Orwig, Nathan Blake, Avery White, Joshua Sneeringer, Harrison Scott, Tyler Turbett, Isabella Cantafio, Kyla Wolper, Katie Staronka