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175th Anniversary

Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation

You are invited to attend the Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation in Roberts Chapel on Tuesday, Jan. 16, at 11 a.m.

This event will feature a time of reflection on the Christian ministry and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., special music, a keynote address and time of prayer to close.  

The MLK Convocation address will be given by Captain Jack Lowe and Captain Ashley Salgado. Captains Lowe and Salgado are both graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point and have been married since 2020. Ashley graduated as the highest ranking Cadet in the Law and Legal Studies Program and received the award for Best Law Thesis for her paper on Mandatory Minimum Sentencing. Jack earned his degree in Sociology and received the Ethics Award for his thesis titled, “She is the Strength of Struggle: Black Women in the Black Freedom Movement.” He is the first black cadet to be awarded the Fulbright Scholarship and earned a Master’s Degree in Cultural Criminology at Lund University in Sweden. He serves as a research fellow at the West Point Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. In 2020, they were among seven co-authors of a policy proposal titled, “An Anti-Racist West Point,” which was cited by NPR, Newsweek, Business Insider, the Washington Post, and the New York Times. They both currently serve as Logistics Officers in the U.S. Army.