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Department of Fine Arts hosts exhibition featuring faculty’s work

Tim Durkin Sep 8, 2023

Waynesburg University’s Department of Fine Arts will host an exhibition for artist Lisa Rasmussen’s work starting Monday, Sept. 18. The exhibition will run through Friday, Nov. 10.

The event is free and open to the public. An opening reception will be held Sept. 18 at 4:30 p.m.

My hope is that my work will help others see the beauty of the natural world and begin to notice things in nature and the world around them that they have not before."

Lisa Rasmussen

Rasmussen recently became a full-time faculty member in both the Department of Fine Arts and the Department of Communication.

“We decided to do this show to re-welcome her to the University in her new position,” Emily Wiedner, lecturer in art, said.

Rasmussen has been “compelled to create art” ever since she was young.

“Since I was a little kid, I've wanted to be an artist,” Rasmussen said. “I’ve been doing it for most of my life.”

She works with several art forms, and each one has a focus on realism.

“I mostly work in traditional media, graphite, watercolor, pen and ink, pastel, book arts and printmaking,” Rasmussen said. “The work I create is mostly realistic.”

To Wiedner, a particular standout is Rasmussen’s work with watercolor.

“My favorite works are her nature watercolors,” Wiedner said. “They are very calming to look at and look so effortlessly done.”

The theme of nature is something that Rasmussen wants people to take away from her work.

“My hope is that my work will help others see the beauty of the natural world and begin to notice things in nature and the world around them that they have not before,” she said.