Waynesburg University’s eHIVE, the Entrepreneurial Hub for Innovative Ventures and Endeavors, will host its annual “Something from Nothing” challenge now through Sept. 22.
This year’s challenge will feature the item of cardboard.
“Each year, we encourage students to think about how to solve issues in a creative and innovative fashion,” said Cassy Dorsch, program director for the Entrepreneurial Leadership Program.
High school and college students will be use cardboard they gather or receive for free from the eHIVE to submit an innovation under one of the three categories: commercial value, artistic value or social value.
New this year, the eHIVE will offer “Maker Nights,” where students can learn how to use a laser cutter and other new equipment to assist with their projects for the challenge. The sessions will be held Thursday, Sept. 15, and Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 8 p.m. in the eHIVE on the second floor of the Stover Campus Center.
Virtual submissions must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Sept. 22. Details and a sign-up form can be found online here
“Our students are so gifted in using the material and creating value,” added Dorsch. “I am looking forward to [it].”
Finalists will be announced and the fan favorite voting competition will open Thursday, Sept. 29. Winners will be announced Oct. 6.
For more information, contact Dorsch at ehive@waynesburg.edu or 724-852-3204.