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Lamplighters to present fall concert

Marley Wolf Nov 1, 2022

Waynesburg University’s Lamplighters Touring Choir will perform a fall concert Thursday, Nov. 10, at 5 p.m. in Roberts Chapel. The concert is free, and the public is cordially invited to attend.

This particular concert will be structured similarly to a worship service, where students will read Scripture and perform works related to that Scripture.

“I usually pick as much music as I can that is based on Scripture, and sometimes exactly from Scripture so that the choir is memorizing Scripture and also sharing Scripture with the community,” said Melanie Catana, assistant professor of vocal music and director of choral music.

Works that will be performed include a contemporary Christian song, “The Way That I Take” by Indiana Bible College and various selections from composer Jonathan Adams, including “Holy Harmony” and “The Plans I Have For You.” Other literature will feature a Latin Renaissance period song.

For more information, contact Catana at 724-852-7639 or email