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Olagoke to present at Pennsylvania Sociological Society Conference

Rachel Pellegrino Nov 5, 2021

Dr. Abolade Ezekiel Olagoke will virtually present at Pennsylvania Sociological Society’s (PSS) 71st Annual Conference Saturday, Nov. 6.

Dr. Olagoke’s presentation, “W.E.B. Du Bois: A Prophet of Social Justice in the 21st Century,” discusses contemporary issues on diversity, social justice and inequality, as well as other theoretical sociological perspectives.

“The presentation is to revisit Du Bois's works and see their relevance and significance today as the nation struggles to live out its ideals more so with recent conflagrations,” said Dr. Olagoke, professor of sociology. “Du Bois, an African American intellectual, [was] the first [African American] to receive an earned Ph.D. degree from Harvard. [He] is still relevant today.”

PSS is an academic organization that provides a forum for sociologists to communicate and share sociological knowledge and social research. Prior to the conference, members submitted abstracts to be presented and published.

Dr. Olagoke’s abstract on “W.E.B. Du Bois” was previously published in the International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. He emphasizes the importance of sharing sociological knowledge in such formats as well as in the classroom.

Learn more about Dr. Olagoke