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Senior art exhibition to spotlight student’s work

Teghan Simonton Sep 5, 2017

The Waynesburg University Department of Fine Arts will host a senior art exhibition, beginning Monday, Sept. 18, and continuing until Friday, Oct. 13. The work featured will be that of senior studio art major Lydia Brennan, and the exhibition will kick off with a reception Sept. 18, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Brennan focuses mostly on acrylic and oil painting, as well as sculpture, which will be represented in some of the pieces on display.

“My artwork tends toward the abstract, taking images and pushing the boundaries of what is real, creating movement and flow with line and color,” said Brennan. “I am excited to show my work because it is a little different, and I think that people will find it enjoyable and interesting to look at.”

Waynesburg University’s Art Program holds senior art exhibitions each semester. Students use the event to display a culmination of their best pieces, before they graduate.

“I plan on having as many pieces as I can fit inside the gallery,” Brennan said. “I’m excited to get feedback on my pieces and to see what people like and dislike about them.”

For more information, contact the Benedum Fine Arts Center at 724-852-7638.

Founded in 1849 by the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Waynesburg University is located on a traditional campus in the hills of southwestern Pennsylvania, with three additional sites located in the Pittsburgh region. The University is one of only 21 Bonner Scholar schools in the country, offering local, regional and international opportunities to touch the lives of others through service.

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