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Stover Center hosts Prof. Richard Epstein for lecture on campus

Kayla Ayers Jan 26, 2023

Waynesburg University’s Stover Center for Constitutional Studies and Moral Leadership hosted Professor Richard A. Epstein, Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law at New York University, Tuesday, Jan. 24.

His visit to Waynesburg University represented an incredible opportunity for Waynesburg University students to engage one of the nation’s premier constitutional thinkers.”

Dr. Lawrence M. Stratton

His lecture, “Cutting the Administrative State Down to Size: The Case of Public Health,” explored the evolution and power of the administrative state, the use of the Chevron doctrine and the application of these in reference to public health. In his lecture, Prof. Epstein provided a legal analysis of relevant historical events involving the administrative state and the question of healthcare in relation to individual liberty.

This was Prof. Epstein’s second speaking engagement on campus. He first visited in March 2020, where he gave his lecture, “Constitutional Moments: Good or Bad?”

“In this American moment, when the power and status of administrative agencies is being debated in Congress and the Courts, Professor Richard Epstein’s insights into the scope of regulatory authority and constitutional status of the administrative state are very significant,” said Dr. Lawrence M. Stratton, professor of ethics and constitutional law and director of the Stover Center for Constitutional Studies and Moral Leadership at Waynesburg University. “His visit to Waynesburg University represented an incredible opportunity for Waynesburg University students to engage one of the nation’s premier constitutional thinkers.”

A prominent legal scholar and accomplished writer, Prof. Epstein has authored many books and articles throughout his career on a wide selection of topics pertaining to law. Some of his most notable published works include, “Takings: Private Property and the Power of Eminent Domain,” “The Classical Liberal Constitution: The Uncertain Quest for Limited Government” and “The Dubious Morality of Modern Administrative Law.”

He is the James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Law and Senior Lecturer at the University of Chicago and the Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. Presently, Prof. Epstein is in his 55th year teaching law.

Prof. Epstein received his law degrees from Yale Law School and Oxford University, and his undergraduate degree from Columbia College.