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University’s 24-7 mini convenience store celebrates grand opening

The Market offers food options for students around the clock

Ashley Wise Aug 24, 2020

Waynesburg University’s new mini convenience store, The Market, celebrated its grand opening with a ribbon cutting Monday, Aug. 24, as the University’s first day of classes for the fall 2020 semester commenced.

Located in Stover Campus Center and open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, The Market offers food options for students around the clock. After-hours access to the market is controlled by a security system, including a security door and camera system. Outside of normal business hours, students access The Market and self-checkout using their University-issued ID card.

We look forward to working in the coming months to implement the final changes, including the opening of Chick-Fil-A on campus.”

Dr. Shari Payne, vice president for enrollment

“We are so thrilled that we were able to complete this project in time for students to start the fall term,” said Dr. Shari Payne, vice president for enrollment. “While we were impacted by the COVID-19 related construction shutdown in Pennsylvania during late spring and early summer, through a joint effort with Aladdin Food Services and Aster Industries, we were able to complete a significant portion of the dining changes that we announced in February. We look forward to working in the coming months to implement the final changes, including the opening of Chick-Fil-A on campus.”

All students have added flex dollars on their meal plans, which supplement the “meal swipes” and allow for students to have more food and drink options throughout the day. Flex dollars can be used at The Market as well as any of the on-campus dining facilities, which also includes Benedum Dining Hall, the Beehive and Starbucks. The Beehive and Starbucks are newly renovated.

Flex dollars will also be accepted at the on-campus Chick-Fil-A. Construction on the Chick-Fil-A is ongoing, as it was impacted by the PA state-wide COVD-19 related shut down in the spring and early summer. Construction should be completed in the spring 2021 term.