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Campus News

Waynesburg U. welcomes new faculty for 2023-24

Kayla Ayers Sep 5, 2023

Three new full-time faculty members were recently welcomed to Waynesburg University with the start of the 2023-24 academic year.

Pamela Cunningham joined the Department of Business Administration as an instructor of marketing. She will teach Marketing, Consumer Behavior and Sales Management. Cunningham holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Waynesburg University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lynchburg College.

Lisa Rasmussen will serve as an assistant professor to both the Department of Fine Arts and Department of Communication. Courses she will teach within the Fine Arts include Drawing and Special Topics: Color Theory. She will also teach Special Topics: Color Theory, Web Design and Design Seminar for the Department of Communication. Rasmussen holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Vermont College, a Master of Science degree from Russell Sage College and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Dr. Lauren Werner joined the Department of Education as an assistant professor of education. She will teach courses within special education, including Teaching Students with Developmental Disabilities and Assessment in the Inclusive Classroom. Dr. Werner holds a Doctor of Education degree from Point Park University, a Master of Arts degree from Duquesne University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Washington and Jefferson College.