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Faith & Service

Waynesburg University celebrates Charter Day with service

Students, faculty and staff served at 10 locations

Teghan Simonton Apr 1, 2019

Waynesburg University students, faculty and staff served at 10 different locations Saturday, March 16, in celebration of the University’s 169th annual Charter Day, the anniversary of when the institution was officially chartered.

Some of the service sites included Generation Cares in Pittsburgh, the Greene County Humane Society, the Waynesburg University Unity Trail, Greene County Habitat for Humanity and the Ronald McDonald House in Morgantown, West Virginia, among others.

“With nearly 300 faculty, staff and student volunteers, Waynesburg University proudly served their community in honor of Charter Day,” said Kelley Hardie, assistant dean of students.

Hardie said sites were chosen to address a community need. Waynesburg University has an established partnership with each site and volunteers at each frequently, she said. Serving the community helps Waynesburg fulfill its mission and create servant leaders of its students, Hardie said.

“This is evident by witnessing our students preparing meals at a local soup kitchen, traveling to another country to pray and comfort those in need and by using their God-given gifts to make a difference within their professional careers,” Hardie said.

To learn more about Waynesburg University Service Days, contact Hardie at or 724-82-3461.