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Waynesburg University hosts fall Student Art Exhibit

Marley Wolf Nov 29, 2022

Waynesburg University’s Department of Fine Arts will host its fall Student Art Exhibit at the Benedum Fine Arts Gallery on the University’s main campus. Admission is free and open to the public.

It’s always nice to showcase what the students have accomplished.”

Emily Wiedner

This show will run from Monday, Nov. 28, through Friday, Dec. 9. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., or by appointment.

The exhibit is held at the end of each semester to showcase the work of University students enrolled in studio art classes.

“We do this to show what our students have learned and accomplished,” Emily Wiedner said, lecturer in art. “Most importantly, this is a way for students to experience the final step of making art, which is showing it. That is traditionally done in a gallery space.”

Some of the student work being shown will include drawings, designs for art, printmaking and ceramics.

“It’s always nice to showcase what the students have accomplished,” Wiedner said. “It’s also an invitation for the community to see what we’ve been doing in the Fine Arts Department.”

For more information, contact Wiedner at