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Kimberly Wise

Director for the Master of Science in Athletic Training, Associate Professor of Athletic Training and Clinical Education Coordinator


Dr. Wise has 24 years of college-level teaching experience and holds a current professional credential as a board-certified substitute teacher from the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. As a practicing athletic trainer, Dr. Wise has worked with a variety of intercollegiate athletic teams, volunteered as a medical provider/first responder for multiple organizations and served as a BOC test site administrator.

At Waynesburg, Dr. Wise is the clinical education coordinator and teaches predominately in athletic training and Health & Exercise Science. She has presented at state, district and national conferences, including but not limited to Eastern Athletic Trainer's Association; National Athletic Trainers’ Association; American College of Sports Medicine; and the American Alliance for Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Her current research efforts revolve around Reflective Practice, Andragogy and Vulnerability.

Dr. Wise, EdD, ATC, completed her baccalaureate and master's degree in sports medicine and athletic training from Barry University; she then received her terminal degree in higher education from Northeastern University.      


B.S. and M.S. Barry University; Ed.D. Northeastern University