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HWRT Program

Healthcare and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Training Program

Waynesburg University is one of 24 institutions in the nation selected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to offer Healthcare and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Training. Committed to being a good neighbor, Waynesburg U. is proud to offer this program to our region and beyond - because you deserve to have your health.

Quick facts

Flexible delivery

Take advantage of this program independently online or schedule a session for your agency or institution to experience it together, in-person.

Earn free credits

Earn continuing education credits for free through this program, while enhancing your quality of life. Costs are covered through the HRSA grant.

Experience the results

This training program is focused on wellbeing and resiliency and is statistically proven to reduce burnout and compassion fatigue. 

Waynesburg University's HWRT Program is: 

  • Designed to help take care of the healthcare workers and first responders who take care of others, while enabling them to earn continuing education credits;
  • Statistically proven to reduce burnout and compassion fatigue for healthcare workers and first responders; 
  • Developed by experts in counseling psychology and resiliency who have spent their careers in healthcare and public safety;
  • Free and flexible; and
  • Beneficial for both employees and employers.


Nothing is more important than a healthy workforce.


The Healthcare and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Program Speaker Series provides engaging conversations and perspectives on resiliency from local experts within healthcare and public safety. Connect and grow with us.

Program Overview

Waynesburg University is proud to house the Healthcare and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Training (HWRT) Program. The purpose of the HWRT Program, which launched in October 2022, is to enhance the resilience, health and safety of healthcare and public safety workers in order to impact community resilience and mental health in the face of long-term stressors and health impacts amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Facilitated through the University’s Graduate and Professional Studies Counseling Program, the program will provide a comprehensive training curriculum to healthcare workers, first responders, and similar professionals tasked with the care of others.

This training curriculum will not only aid in healthcare workers’ self-assessment and personal development, but also inform the daily work of providers with patients who have also suffered with increased mental health impacts throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

The University is continuing to partner with community leaders, healthcare organizations, first responders, and private practices to form a coalition that will collaborate to address healthcare worker and first responder mental health and resiliency needs.

The primary means of training will be through an online training series that introduces content in three tiers:

  • Tier 1: Foundational knowledge and skills regarding resiliency, suicide prevention, addictions, and burnout in the healthcare workforce;
  • Tier 2: A profession-specific training for nurses/physicians, counselors, and first responders; and
  • Tier 3: A Train-the-Trainer course for leaders and supervisors in identified healthcare organizations.

The University will also provide trainings for healthcare workers, as well as one community resilience event per year. Although the training series will be conducted online, in-person community events will be held on main campus in Waynesburg, and guest speaker events will be held at the Southpointe campus in Canonsburg. Follow this page to receive information regarding each event.

Interested individuals and organizations can request more information on the upcoming training program online. The program is open to enrollment from individuals and agencies throughout Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia, with a focus on serving medically underserved areas.

Enroll Request More Information


What are your training needs?

We are continuously looking to assess the current resiliency training needs of the healthcare workforce in Western Pennsylvania. Survey responses will help to inform our training curriculum and additional resources offered through this program.


This program is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $1,536,578.00 over a three-year period with 0% financed with non-governmental sources. The award for the first year is $590,363.00, and the University will receive funding for subsequent years based on the success of year one.


Who should I contact?