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The Buzz

Intentions for 2022

Stefanie Wielkopolan Jan 11, 2022

Resolutions. Do they ever stick? I’m not one to get overly ambitious when it comes to making goals for the new year, but sometimes I wish I was. I tend to choose doable actions, like calling family more or reading a new book every month. As 2021 comes to a close, I want to the time to offer gratitude to the Waynesburg University community and set intentions for another year at the Writing Center. These are my hopes, wishes, and goals for 2022, please join us.

May the written word bring us closer together.

May we continue to create a writing center environment that validates, respects, and supports students of all backgrounds.

May we all learn from each other in unexpected and magical ways.

May we grow from the time we spend together, whether it is over the computer or in-person.

May we greet each other with care and warmth.

May we use words to create healing, hope, and understanding.

May we feel inspired to add our unique outlooks, dreams, and spiritual values to the entire WU community.

May we feel connected to the campus community and its mission to serve others.

What would you like to add to our intentions for 2022? I hope to hear from you and look forward to seeing you.

Happy 2022, Waynesburg! We hope that your holidays were filled with love, warmth, and joy. At the Writing Center, we are looking forward to supporting you and your writing this coming year. We officially open on January 17 and look forward to working with you!

Learn more about the Writing Center at Waynesburg University