Nine Kappa Delta Pi members worked alongside Dr. Deana Mack, assistant professor of education, to complete a quality snapshot for a project titled, "Educating Our Energy Future." The project was submitted as part of the American Petroleum Institute and EdVenture Partners competition.
The nine students, representing Waynesburg University's education honorary, are using Podio to communicate, load files and research for the project. The Kappa Delta Pi team created a board game for this initiative, said Mack, faculty adviser.
"It's been amazing to see education students from early childhood, middle level and secondary work together voluntarily on Wednesdays during lunch each week to create something useful and of value," Mack said.
Waynesburg University is one of 17 universities participating in this competition. The top teams receive an all-expenses paid trip to present and compete for an award. The first-place team’s university will be awarded $10,000; second place will be awarded $7,000; and third place will receive $5,000. Kappa Delta Pi's final submission was due on December 3.