Looking back on my study abroad experience, I can’t believe all the incredible opportunities that were given to me. It feels like I lived a different life for a few months. I lived in the center of London, and everything was exciting. Something was always happening; there was a street performer to watch, new restaurant to try, or new place to explore.
When I left to study abroad, I was really excited but simultaneously really scared. I was terrified that I wasn’t going to make friends or that I would be extremely homesick. Now that I’m back home and reflecting, I would do anything to be back. It was the greatest three months of my life.
I made friends from all over the world. I was constantly being pushed outside of my comfort zone. I was exposed to different cultures, worldviews, and religions. I learned how to cook a real meal for myself. I sought the Lord and learned what it’s like to have a true relationship with Him. I traveled to so many beautiful countries. I turned my phone off and just explored the city. I mastered public transportation and learned to love a good tube ride. I lived with four flatmates that were some of the greatest people I have ever met. I grew in my confidence and independence. I learned how to believe in myself. I gained so many new perspectives on life.
Studying abroad seems like the most intimidating thing ever. Leaving your home to go to a completely new place where you don’t know a soul can be daunting. But the opportunity that waits on the other side is worth everything. I came back a different person than who I was when I left, in the best way possible. The Lord is so sovereign, and He truly ordained my whole time there. I’m so grateful for the experience and would encourage anyone to study abroad if possible—it’s an experience of a lifetime.
Learn more about Waynesburg University's Study Abroad Program