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Campus News

University to host spring open house

Event to be held April 2

Rachel Pellegrino Mar 21, 2022

Waynesburg University’s Office of Admissions will host an in-person Spring Open House Saturday, April 2, at 9 a.m.

Prospective students can register for the Spring Open House as well as other upcoming group visits at

The Open House will offer prospective students a chance to learn more about Waynesburg by experiencing the University first-hand. The day will include a tour with a current Waynesburg student, a meeting with faculty members, an Admissions and Financial Aid session as well as lunch in the dining hall.

“The spring visits will offer prospective students a chance to see Waynesburg as their home away from home,” said Emily Smelley, assistant director of admissions. “I think students should attend these visits to see what exactly it feels like to be a student on campus. They get to open their eyes to all the faith, learning and serving that takes place here every day.”

All visits will be held in compliance with the Keep Waynesburg Well Plan. More information can be found online at

For more information, contact the Office of Admissions at 1-800-225-7393 or