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Senior Spotlight: Alex Orlandini

With hockey career over, Orlandini makes most of experience with men’s golf program

Michael Trax May 12, 2020

The final season for senior Alex Orlandini was cut short right after the Waynesburg University men’s golf team went on their annual Spring trip.

Photo credit: Alex Orlan

Orlandini, a member of the golf team since his freshman year, was honored as part of the 2016 Presidents’ Athletic Conference Academic Honor Roll.

In high school, he played hockey at South Fayette in addition to golf. However, a visit to Waynesburg University made him want to continue his golf career.

“Going into freshman year I played two sports which I both loved,” Orlandini said. “Once I visited Waynesburg, I met with Sam Jones and I knew I wanted to be on the team and help build it back up.”

Being with all my friends doing something fun or just hanging out with them really made the best memories for me. The open-door atmosphere really helps you gain the best of friends and you get really close with everyone.”

Alex Orlandini

During his years with the Yellow Jackets, Orlandini has made tons of memories, but his favorite: the spring trips.

“My sophomore year trip we had some of the funniest moments and the most memorable times which is why it’s my favorite,” Orlandini said.

Now, the Jackets are led by first-year head coach Mike Cipoletti, who noticed Orlandini’s importance immediately, both on and away from the links. 

“He helped me a lot with organizing off the course things like team meetings, and helping me to get to know the abilities and personalities of the guys on the team,” Cipoletti said.

 Cipoletti and former head coach Sam Jones both praise Orlandini’s work ethic that’s been on display through the years.

“Orlandini always wanted to be pushed to practice harder and find ways to improve his game,” he said. “He always wanted to make sure he was dialed in with his technique, asking to check his swing before every event we played in, and it paid off.”

At Waynesburg, his most fond memories outside of the golf team come from his freshman year in Martin Hall.

“Being with all my friends doing something fun or just hanging out with them really made the best memories for me,” Orlandini said. “The open-door atmosphere really helps you gain the best of friends and you get really close with everyone.”

With the campus closed and the season over, Orlandini will miss the friendships he built over the years. 

“I am going to miss the friendships,” Orlandini said. “Even though they will last, it’s going to be different in the sense of we are not going to be a short walk away.”

After graduation Orlandini plans to remain local and start in an MBA program.

“My plan is to work for the KeyBank associate program to get my real estate license,” Orlandini said. “I will also start my MBA in project management at Waynesburg.”

This article originally appeared in Waynesburg University's student newspaper, "The Yellow Jacket."

Congratulations, Class of 2020!