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The Buzz

Travel vouchers now available

Nothing can replace a campus visit!

Sep 15, 2021

Waynesburg University is excited to offer travel vouchers for personal visits!

While we do offer a comprehensive virtual tour, nothing can fully replace a campus visit, and we’re here to help make that easier for you.  

Travel vouchers of up to $200 are available to help with travel costs associated with a personal visit to campus.


To qualify for a voucher you will need to:

  • Register and attend a personal visit to campus
  • Travel more than 300 miles from your home address one way to main campus
  • Be a sophomore, junior or senior in high school or homeschool equivalent


  • Following the scheduled personal visit, Waynesburg University will reimburse up to $200 of travel costs based on receipts or mileage provided (meals will not be considered)
  • No voucher will be issued if the student does not attend their scheduled visit
  • Vouchers are not a guarantee of admission to Waynesburg
  • Vouchers may only be used once per family - no additional vouchers will be offered on return trips