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Interdisciplinary Studies

The Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) major at Waynesburg University is a flexible degree program that seeks to serve the needs of students who wish to design an individualized course of study. Through the IDS major, students are able to combine courses from two or more academic disciplines into a Concentration Area. The flexibility of the program makes possible the pursuit of a wide variety of interests.

The Concentration Area includes a minimum of 54 credits from two or more academic disciplines that the student integrates into a single program. At least 30 credit hours must be in upper-division courses (300-level or above). No more than two-thirds of the Concentration Area may be in one discipline.

During the senior year, each student in the IDS major shall enroll in a three-credit independent study, internship, or honors course in the academic discipline in which the advisor teaches. The advisor shall be the instructor of record for this course. The goal of this course is for the student to integrate his or her knowledge of the selected academic disciplines.

Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in IDS will be expected to meet the General Education Requirements for the Baccalaureate degree. It is recommended that students declare an IDS major before completing 60 credit hours. Eligible students must submit an IDS major proposal to the IDS Advisor. At the time of application, students are expected to have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00.

General Application Procedures for the Interdisciplinary Studies Major

  1. A student who wishes to apply for the IDS major should contact the advisor of interdisciplinary studies no later than the first semester of his/her sophomore year.
  2. The student and the IDS advisor will meet to discuss the student’s interests and the feasibility of successful completion of the major.
  3. If it is determined that the student may successfully complete the major, the IDS advisor and the student will develop a formal list of courses, the Concentration Area. This list will include all courses which the student will be required to complete for the major. The list will also be used to track the student’s progress and to insure that all other requirements of the IDS major are being fulfilled.
  4. An advisor from at least one of the disciplines within the Concentration Area will be assigned to assist the student in his/her endeavors.
  5. Once the Concentration Area list is complete, the following persons must sign the Concentration Area plan indicating their approval: the student, the IDS advisor, all other assigned advisors, the Registrar, and the Provost.
  6. After approval, the IDS major will become the official major of the student.
  7. At this point the student will follow the plan. Advising will be done by both the IDS advisor and the specific discipline advisors.